Andrews Fellowships Foster Student-Led Worship

   Andrews in the 新闻 | Posted on August 29, 2024

Andrews University was founded as a faith-based institution in 1874 and has continued to uphold that foundation for the past 150 years.

As the campus has grown, so have worship options. On Sabbaths during the school year students have multiple choices of where to attend church on campus. Three of those are student-led groups called fellowships: Genesis, New Life and One Place. These student worship experiences are guided by faculty who serve as teaching pastors, but most of the planning and implementation is student driven.

These student fellowships might be a reason for some interesting results found in the 2022–2023 National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE), a survey that asks for student feedback on the undergraduate experience. Andrews University students reported they are 64% more committed to the beliefs and values of the Seventh-day Adventist Church compared to 48% from other Adventist institutions. Another NSSE spiritual finding is that 57% of Andrews students say they speak often or very often about spiritual values with fellow University students outside of class.

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